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Journey Map


I'm a dedicated, hard working student and employee. I've worked as a Patience Care Tech at St. Vincent since October 2022, and I've had my CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) certification since May 2022. I did cheerleading for about 6 years, which I loved and enjoyed, and am sad that part of my life has finally come to an end. I love to be around my family, and since a lot of them are in different states/countries I tend to travel a bit, which I also enjoy. 

My Journey Map above shows a few experiences in my life that have shaped me into who I am today.


Working alongside nurses and seeing what they do has made me truly want to pursue the career. I'm at IUPUI as a nursing major, and I chose this school because of its program and its proximity to many hospitals. I hope to work in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) once I graduate, and possibly become a travel nurse after a few years of working as a nurse.

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